Bloom hCG Diet Plan


100ml bottle: 42 day program


For optimum results we advise you follow the plan outlined below.

Contrary to online myths, following such a diet without the drops will not have the same effect.

In fact, many who use our drops have reported losing many kg's without a diet plan. However, the combined effect of a low calorie diet and Bloom hCG Drops will ensure you reach your optimum weight loss goal!

The combined effect of hCG with a calorie restricted diet has been well documented and was originally reported in 1954 by the now legendary Dr. Simeons. More recently it has been reported on the Dr. Oz Show.

However, by using homeopathic drops as opposed to needle injections, this diet is now more

affordable, easier and also safer!

This plan is adapted from Dr. Simeons original hCG protocol

Download Dr. Simeons original Pounds & Inches eBook here


There are 4 phases to the HCG Diet:


Phase 1:  2 days eating high fat food while taking the drops.


Phase 2: 40 days low cal diet while taking drops.


       3 day transition


Phase 3:  3 weeks maintenance, adding dairy and carbs back into the diet having no drops.


Phase 4: Welcome to the New You ! 

The option to start another round is there if you wish to lose more.


The benefits of the hCG diet:


* Increased energy and vitality without hunger

* Better skin tone

* Improved body shape & weight loss from problem areas

* Normalization of bloodpressure

* End of food cravings

* Restoration of better hormonal balance

* An end to ravenous hunger

* Deeper sleep & a need for less sleep

* Normailsed appetite

* Improved metabolisim

* An end to food cravings



Phase 1 - Loading Phase:


TAKE 10 DROPS (on or under your tongue) 3 times a day between meals.

The first two days of the diet program are called the "Loading Phase."

During this time you are encouraged to eat plenty of calories and healthy fatty foods.

eg. nuts, avocados, olive oil, salmon, organic butter, bacon, eggs. 


Eat as much as you can without feeling uncomfortable. Make the most of this phase and eat the foods you like as you won’t be able to eat them for a while after this phase. 


Phase-1 is preparing your body for Phase 2 - Diet Phase & is building up normal fat storage.

If you do not complete the loading days properly you may be hungry on the protocol. Give your body time to absorb the drops into your system. 

Do not worry about gaining weight as any gained during the loading will come off after a short period of time.

This is a very important part of the diet and must not be skipped.


Please note:

After the fat loading, when you begin the first 4 days or so of the low calorie diet, your body will start detoxing.  You may feel headachy and have week muscles, as toxins are now being released from stored fatty areas in your body. This will pass and you should soon feel good as the drops will ultimately suppress feelings of hunger. Not all people notice it but it can last 2- 4 days.


Phase 2 - The Diet Phase


TAKE 10 DROPS (on or under your tongue) 3 times a day between meals.

Phase 2 of the Hcg diet begins after the loading days are completed. 

Drink plenty of water daily including lots of plain filtered water or green tea. 

2 litres of water a day throughout the diet is ideal! (more is fine).

Have a bottle on you to sip throughout the day to stay well hydrated. Water plays an important role to move nutrients around in your body and flush out the toxins and waste.

You must be fully committed to follow the specific foods not eating any sugar or fats instead having fresh vegetables, fruits & proteins.

Calorie consistency and water consistency is essential to succeed.




(approx 70 cals)


  • Tea or coffee (max 3 times per day) or lemon & water

  • No sugar! Stevia can be used for sweetening if desired

  • Ideally only one tablespoon of milk is allowed in a 24 hour period, so having mostly black tea/coffee is reccommended.

  • 1 piece of fruit: eg: a medium sized apple or orange or 250g of strawberries or 230g grapefruit or 150g berries or 1/2 melon or other fruit.

  • 2 thin rice cakes (1=23 cals) 1/2 tomato (12 cals) & basil leaves.




(approx 180 cals)

100g meat and 3 vegies & oil free dressing


  • 100 grams of meat: veal, beef, steak, lean mince, chicken, turkey (skin removed) ham (low fat).

  • OR 120g white fish, lobster, crab or prawns, tinned flavored fish (with no oil).

  • OR 2 x small eggs on occasion to substitute meat eg: Omelete: 2 sm eggs, 1 zucchini, 1/4 onion, tomato, seasoning.


  • All visible fat must be removed before cooking and the meat needs to be weighed raw. You can boil, grill, steam, dry fry, microwave or BBQ with no additional fat (i.e. cooking oils). Use herbs, spices, seasonings & marinades for flavour.


  • 2-3 types of vegetables per meal :1 cup (heavier vegies) or 1 & 1/2 Cups (salad) vegies.


  • Try to have atleast one meal per day with salad. Any salad is fine: eg. lettuce, spinach, tomatoes, celery, onions, radish, garlic, cucumbers, asparagus, mushrooms, broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini, green beans, kale, cabbage, silver beet, leeks, green pepper, eggplant, sprouts, etc


  • Leafy green veggies are best but can you have red pepper, or one piece of beetroot, squash, pumpkin, carrot.


  • One small Italian breadstick-grissini or slice of melba toast = 30cals. (I personally took this out completely as it has no nutritional value and substituted it for more veggies or 15g feta or 2 tbsp LF cottage cheese).


  • Stay away from starch veggies like corn, peas & potatoes till phase 3.



(around 180 cals)


The same choices as lunch


eg: 100g meat, seasoning with 3 veges with gravy (1 tsp powered mix with boiled water) or oil free dressing


Dessert or Afternoon Tea

(around 70 cals)

1 medium sized fruit. (Stewed apple and cinnamon is divine).

(I prefer to exchange my desert for more veggies at dinner or lunch or add something else to the value of 70 cals. in my meals instead)


Fresh fruit, vegies & protein (with live enzymes) and 2 litres of water per day are the optimum food choice to getting the best results.

If you over indulge one day it can stall the weight loss for a few days. In this case it is best to do a ‘’plateau shift day’’ the next day


eg: 6 apples, water and hCG drops only.


You should eat foods with low fat and no sugar, keeping carbs to a minimum as they convert to sugar and fat as well.


If you are vegetarian then use a calorie guide and have at least 2 meals a day with protein.




Important! Transitioning from Phase 2 to Phase 3

After you have completed phase 2 you stop taking the HCG Drops, but continue to follow the restricted 500 calorie diet for two - three days so the formulation can leave your body. 2-3 Days is an estimated time for the formulation to be flushed from your body then you will continue on to the maintenance phase.


Phase 3: Maintenance Phase

No Diet Drops are taken.

No Sugar, Carbs or Starch.


You will now begin to normalize your calorie intake. Have 1200-1600 per day. select healthy fresh foods and good oils for a minimum of three weeks. Make sure you eat as much whole foods and a variety of  fresh vegetables, proteins, fruits, healthy oils, nuts and seeds.



During this time your body stabilizes the weight you have lost & your weight may fluctuate.

If you gain more than 2 kg's from your weight in phase 2, Dr.Simeon’s recommends doing a high protein day called a 'Steak Day'.

Steak day is used to correct gained weight and only used in the maintenance and after not in phase 2.


 What is the Steak Day Procedure?


  • You will not be eating breakfast or lunch 

  • Make sure you are drinking plenty of fluids like water and tea or green tea

  • Select a large tender fresh T-bone, Rib-eye or Sirloin

  • Cook in a little oil (coconut oil)

  • You can use spices, sea salt, black pepper 

  • Eating a red or green apple is also recommended


Phase 4: Welcome to the New You!




Once the maintenance stage is complete, you have two choices:


1. Restart the hCG diet to lose more weight (you’ll need to wait an additional 30 days after the maintenance stage before beginning the diet again)


2. Slowly reintroduce a healthy rounded diet.


Additional Information:


Spread the drops throughout the day depending on your daily regime, it's ok to take them 4 times a day if that works better for you.

You can snack on cucumber, lettuce and celery or other raw veggies with low cals between meals and have sugar free lollies to curb sugar cravings.


If you just did 500 cals without the drops you would be putting your body into starvation mode which would slow your metabolism and make you feel weak. The drops use your body's fat as fuel. Your body will use your existing stored fat if you do not put more fats or sugar into your body during the diet phase. This is why you are on a low cal diet, and is how you get rapid weight loss while the hormone keeps you feeling satisfied and energetic as it also acts as an appetite suppressant.


Exercise is not necessary throughout the diet to lose the weight but you will naturally feel more active and it can only contribute to your success. Gentle exercise is fine, though as you are not using slow burning foods for fuel, it’s best to put off high cardio during the diet phase.


The Drops are Homeopathic, all natural, with no known side effects other than possibly feeling headachy during the detox phase - first few days of Phase 2 -  as the toxins shift while you decrease carbs in your diet (only some people experience not all).


Vitamins are OK, but if you have any health concerns and are on medication talk to your doctor. A lot of ailments are contributed to weight so consequently as the weight comes off, a lot of people come off their medication!


Women breast feeding need to wait until they are comfort feeding as their body is still producing HCG.


No exercise is required, but gentle exercise would be beneficial.


This plan is designed as a detox to shift your metabolism and reset your hypothalamus which in turn helps you metabolize better, so be dedicated and you will get results!